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Innovation Rooted in Tradition: Clean Energy for New Mexico's Future

The Clean Energy Association of New Mexico (“CLEAN”) provides education, awareness and innovative tools to support a strong and safe nuclear energy sector that is sensitive to the environment and communities in which we live and work. Our mandate, as we work together, is to build sustainable economic benefits for the local communities and the State while respecting the land, water, air and people of New Mexico.

Our vision at CLEAN is to advocate for a safe, environmentally friendly and cost-effective industry that enables the people of New Mexico to benefit from the resources within their land in a safe and sustainable manner. We aim to educate on the benefits of nuclear energy, highlighting it’s advancement in safety through the use of innovative In-Situ Recovery (“ISR”) technology, known for its exemplary safety record and minimal environmental footprint.

We want to empower the people of New Mexico by fostering economic growth through educational initiatives, innovative technical solutions and create meaningful impact within the community by actively engaging in various outreach initiatives. This includes launching workshops, granting scholarships, working with elders and establishing a curriculum to educate youth; with a focus on sustainable, clean technologies.

Our long-term goal is to create opportunities within nuclear sector in New Mexico that are exclusively supported by ISR technology.

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The Clean Energy Association of New Mexico (CLEAN) advocates for a safe, environmentally friendly and cost-effective nuclear energy industry that enables the people of New Mexico to benefit from the resources within their land in a sustainable manner, while emphasizing the need for cultural understanding and knowledge sharing.

Our long-term goal is to create job opportunities within nuclear sector in New Mexico that are exclusively supported by In-Situ Recovery technology.

Our Mission

Working together to build sustainable economic benefits for the local communities and the State while respecting the land, water, air and people of New Mexico.

Our Vision

Advocating for a safe, environmentally friendly friendly and cost-effective industry that enables the people of New Mexico to benefit from the resources within their land in a safe and sustainable manner.

Our Values

Operating with respect, integrity and transparency as we engage communities and allow for the community and its people to have the opportunity to participate and to create opportunity from our activities.

Respecting the Land, Water and Air

In-Situ Recovery is the answer

In-Situ Recovery (ISR) offers a minimally intrusive, eco-friendly, and economically competitive approach to mineral extraction. It’s a proven, successful technique for extracting uranium, utilized in the United States in Texas, Nebraska and Wyoming. Unlike traditional mining, ISR utilizes wellfield technology to extract uranium from ISR-amenable, sandstone- hosted deposits. In the United States, 99% of the groundwater used in the extraction process is returned to the aquifer (a non-potable groundwater source due to the existing uranium), and the land and water is returned to its original use category. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission  has stated that there has never been an incident of the contamination of drinking water from the ISR process.

Advantages of ISR

Since its appearance in the 1960s, ISR technology has grown in use globally and evolved significantly. Today, it’s a controllable, safe, and benign uranium production method that is highly regulated in the United States. ISR is highly regulated for operations and worker safety involves fewer risks to workers than other energy sectors.  Additionally, the uranium is extracted through liquid solutions rather than through direct handling.

Today, ISR accounts for about 60% of global uranium production. Some nations, like Kazakhstan and Australia, still employ strong chemicals like sulfuric acid for extraction. Most companies in the United States opt for a mix of oxygen and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in the local groundwater, which extracts uranium with minimal environmental impact and at a near-neutral pH and provides for a full reclamation.

ISR operations are designed with multiple layers of protection to prevent contamination of groundwater. The solution used in ISR is typically a mild alkaline solution, and the process is carefully monitored to ensure that it does not migrate beyond the ore zone.

The energy requirements for ISR are lower than those for traditional mining methods, leading to reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The decreased need for heavy equipment and transportation also contributes to a smaller carbon footprint

ISR sites can be restored, allowing for the land to be returned to its natural state or repurposed for other uses after the operation concludes. Once an ISR operation is complete, the groundwater and land are restored to their previous condition and use categories. ISR facilities use less water than conventional mining and return 99% of the water used during operations to the original aquifer and back to its original state and purpose.

ISR can be economically viable in areas with lower ore grades where traditional mining would not be feasible. This allows for the development of uranium resources that might otherwise remain untapped. In addition, ISR is generally more cost-effective due to lower capital and operational costs.
ISR projects often face fewer regulatory hurdles and shorter permitting times because of the reduced environmental impact. This can accelerate the timeline from discovery to production.

ISR minimizes surface disturbance, minimizes water consumption, and does not have waste dumps or tailings piles. ISR uses wellfields to extract uranium from underground ore deposits without the need for open pits or underground mines.

Grants infographic Acquifer Examption Zone NoLogo
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Four large cooling towers emitting steam at a nuclear power plant, reflected in a still lake during sunset with a colorful sky of pink and blue hues
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Nuclear Energy, the Future of Clean Energy

Carbon-Free, Safe, Reliable Energy

Nuclear energy enables the people of New Mexico to benefit from the resources within their land in a sustainable manner, while emphasizing the need for cultural understanding and knowledge sharing.

Why Nuclear?

It is the largest source of carbon-free electricity in the United States and protects our air quality by generating electricity without other harmful pollutants like nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, or mercury.  Nuclear energy already displaces 1.6 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually and will play a large role in decarbonization strategies. Nuclear Energy Institute analysis of over 90 pathways to net-zero emissions considered by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reveals that to limit global warming to no more than 34.7°F, installed nuclear energy capacity must triple by 2050.

New large-scale nuclear reactors have the potential to cut 23 gigatonnes of emissions between 2020 and 2050 by replacing fossil fuel power generation. Replacing coal power, a major carbon emitter, is especially important in developing countries, where energy demand is expected to surge as more areas connect to the electricity grid.

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Nuclear is powerful, one uranium fuel pellet—about the size of a gummy bear—creates as much energy as one ton of coal, 149 gallons of oil or 17,000 cubic feet of natural gas. You need more than 3 million solar panels to produce the same amount of power as a typical commercial reactor or more than 430 wind turbines.

A single nuclear power reactor generates enough electricity on average to power over 700,000 homes without emitting any greenhouse gases—that’s more than enough to power a city the size of Philadelphia. The 94 nuclear plants in the United States produce enough electricity to power 75 million homes.

NM Fast Facts

Nuclear energy produces more electricity on less land than any other clean-air source. Wind farms require 360 times more land area to produce the same amount of electricity and solar photovoltaic plants require 75 times more space than nuclear energy.

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Nuclear energy is a very reliable, safe, highly regulated source of clean energy. Despite common misconceptions, nuclear energy is one of the safest sources and has seen dramatic changes over the last 50 years to make the technology even safer and more efficient. 

For decades, nuclear plant owners have worked with federal, state, and local officials, as well as thousands of volunteers and first responders, to ensure that safety and the public interest is always of the highest priority. Facilities are subject to strict, highly sensitive monitoring programs. Plants are also built to withstand impacts from earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and aircraft.

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Nuclear energy is one of the most reliable sources of energy and provides 20% of all power in the US.

Nuclear plants are the most efficient source of electricity, operating 24/7 at a more than 93 percent average capacity factor. While wind and solar are a fine addition to our grid, they certainly are not a good baseload supply as they aren’t dependable. The sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow. 

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Our Members Support:

Our Members Support

Fostering respectful partnerships in New Mexico through best practices, community engagement, and cultural knowledge sharing.

Upholding the utmost respect for land, water, and air quality with sustainable practices that protect these vital resources.

Promoting high standards of safety, security, and environmental stewardship within the industry.

Supporting education and training initiatives, with an emphasis on youth, to develop a skilled local workforce and facilitate operations in New Mexico.

Nuclear energy is carbon-free

Nuclear energy protects our land, water and air while contributing to decarbonization goals and national security.

In-situ recovery: The future of uranium Extraction

ISR is a proven, safe and eco-friendly method of uranium extraction that returns the groundwater and land back to its original state and purpose once finished.

In-Situ Recovery Benefits local communities

Nuclear energy and ISR uranium extraction provides economic benefits and employment to local communities, as well as opportunities for future generations.

Nuclear energy is safe

Nuclear energy and ISR uranium extraction is safe, with technological advancements over the years. The industry has changed dramatically and is highly regulated with an impressive safety record.

Key initiatives of the association

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